
Stefania starred in the play “Phaedra” by Marina Tsvetayeva, for Proskinio Theatre, in 2020-2021 season. It was directed by Dimitris Karantzas, a young director she admired for a long time.

The performance received warm reviews from theatre critics.

“In this concept, the five actors were so brilliant, Trofos – Phaedra, Alexia Kaltsikis – Stefania Goulioti swept the stage giving a magical theatrical moment.”

“Efimerida Ton Syntakton” newspaper – https://www.efsyn.gr/tehnes/theatro/314142_podariko-sto-theatro-proskinio

by Marina Tsvetayeva

Translation: Christos Chrysopoulos
Translation consultant: Elena Rizikova
Dramaturg : Theodora Kapralou
Directed by: Dimitris Karantzas
Assistant director: Gely Kalambaka
Stage: Maria Panourgia
Costumes: Ioanna Tsami
Music: George Poulios
Movement : Tasos Karahalios
Lighting: Lefteris Pavlopoulos

Production: Tagaris Theatrical Productions

Cast: Konstantinos Avarikiotis, Stefania Goulioti, Alexia Kaltsikis,
Nikos Manesis, Michalis Sarantis

– Me?
With him?
In the forest;
The tree will witness us.

– Cut its leaves, tie the branches and prune it