On the occasion of the myth of Eumenides, we created a performance at the Ancient Stadium of Epidaurus in order to sound this myth in a landscape that will activate the myth in ourselves. Stefania surrounded by this story she seeks to manage her unknown and unexplainable tracks and experiences and her relationship with primary fear, she looked for the right sound to reduce our unresolved distance to the myth. At 6:00 in the morning, at the ancient stadium of Epidaurus, when the landscape is in its purest moment, in front of us, she articulated the story, or prayer, and she took us into its moving, dark, energy. She and her musician joined in the difficult task of telling the whole project with all the faces sounding through a body and an instrument. Speech, sound,time and landscape are part of an experience of metamorphosis.
Translation: Dimitris Dimitriadis
Conception – Interpretation: Stefania Goulioti
Music Dramaturgy / Performance: Dimitris Kamarotos
Artistic collaboration: Sylvia Liliou-Giorgos Kritharas
Stage: Eva Manidaki
Costumes: Angelos Mentis
Alexander Technik: Vicky Panagiotaki
Assistant to Set Designer: Evgenia Makroglou
Production Execution: POLYPLANITY Productions / Yolanda Markopoulou & Vicky Stratakis
Photos: Aris Kamarotos
In a state of inner silence
that allows the right action to emerge
at the right moment
© All rights reserved 2023-2024 Stefania Goulioti
All texts by: Elena Panayides (editor & writer)