Dive into the haunting tale of “Joy”, where the central heroine, portrayed by the exceptional Amalia Moutousi, unfolds a gripping story in Elias Giannakakis’ captivating black and white film. At 45, Joy exuded sweetness with a hint of mysterious motivation. Gripped by the whispers of a baby not her own, she descended into a world of stolen innocence.
Giannakakis, the mastermind behind this cinematic experience, directed and crafted the script, weaving a narrative that delved into the complexities of Joy’s character. Cinematographer Giorgos Argyroilopoulos brought the story to life visually, while the editing magic was wielded by the talented Gifts of Masclavanos.
The stellar cast, including luminaries such as George Simeonidis, Leda Protopsalti, and the incomparable Stefania Goulioti, navigated the twists and turns of a plot that saw Joy, once filled with stolen maternal bliss, facing arrest, detention, and a gripping trial.
With a haunting soundtrack provided by The Boy, this Greek production unfolded in vivid color, captivating audiences for an intense 80 minutes. “Joy” was not just a film; it was an 80-minute rollercoaster of emotions, led by an ensemble cast that elevated the art of storytelling. Audiences were immersed in the world of Joy, where stolen innocence met the consequences of a journey filled with murder, mystery, and an arresting pursuit of joy.
Production: Elias Giannakakis
Directed by: Elias Giannakakis
Script: Elias Giannakakis
Photo: Giorgos Argyroilopoulos
Editing: Gifts of Masclavanos
Music: The Boy
Starring: Amalia Moutousi, George Simeonidis, Leda Protopsalti, Stefania Goulioti, Nikos Flessas, Costas Berikopoulos
Greece, 2012, Color
Duration: 80 minutes
In a state of inner silence
that allows the right action to emerge
at the right moment
© All rights reserved 2023-2024 Stefania Goulioti
All texts by: Elena Panayides (editor & writer)