"Knit Red Thread"

Costas Charalambous’s film unfolds in 1945, in an unnamed mountainous Greek village. Following the Varkiza Agreement, a gang from the “security platoon” terrorises the village, seeking to eliminate those who haven’t submitted. They invade homes, rape, and threaten children, extorting money to prevent further violence. Collaborating with the Gendarmerie station, they carry out crimes entrusted to them. Goulioti creates a riveting and intense performance in this tragic tale of conflict.

Director: Costas Charalambous
Script: Costas Charalambous
Cinematography: Dionysis Petrotsopoulos
Starring: Thanos Samaras, Tasos Nousias, Stefania Goulioti, Efi Gousi, and a stellar ensemble.