“Maestro In Blue” makes its dramatic mark as the first Greek TV series available on Netflix globally. The plot in which Orestes embarks on a journey to a tranquil island, aiming to set up a music festival from scratch, where amid the island’s close-knit community, he becomes entangled in an intense love story and a murder mystery.
Stefania Goulioti shines in the role of Alexandra, Orestes’ wife – a formidable and dynamic woman navigating challenging situations alongside her husband. Authored by Christoforos Papakaliatis and directed by Papakaliatis and Akis Polyzos, the series in its second season is a production of ALTER EGO MASS MEDIA S.A. for MEGA during 2022-2023. The stellar cast includes Christoforos Papakaliatis, Haris Alexiou, Fanis Mouratidis, Maria Kavog
Author: Christoforos Papakaliatis
Directed by: Christoforos Papakaliatis, Akis Polyzos
Produced by: Foss Productions
Production: ALTER EGO MASS MEDIA S.A. MEGA 2022-2023
Cast: Christoforos Papakaliatis, Haris Alexiou, Fanis Mouratidis, Maria Kavogianni, Clelia Andriolatou, George Benos, Orestis Chalkias, Antinoos Albanis, Marissa Triantafyllidou, Yiannis Tsortekis, Stefania Goulioti ,Dimitris Kitsos
“Maestro in Blue” on Netflix:
In a state of inner silence
that allows the right action to emerge
at the right moment
© All rights reserved 2023-2024 Stefania Goulioti
All texts by: Elena Panayides (editor & writer)